Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

Contoh Essay : Classroom Blogging for Increase Student Knowledge

Essay kedua, Tahap Belajar :-)

(Author : Gustina Nuzula)

Education sector is one of many sectors that become Indonesian goverment focus to be developed, in order to grow the embryo or the next generation who could potentially build the nation toward more advanced. Advancement of education that we want is closely linked to technological progress, of course.  As well as the technology has expanded in all areas, including education. Technology can provide great benefits if used appropriately. One of technology that is now known to almost all Indonesian society is the Internet Technology. If we are connected to the internet, we can see the world, although only sit in silence in the house. This means that inter-state border became lost while entry to the internet. We do not need to go far away to United State if you just want to know how the shape of the Statue of Liberty. We do not need to make a passport and do not need to buy an expensive plane ticket to go there. With the internet, all the information can be known. One medium that can be accessed via the internet is a blog.
Blog can be an effective learning medium to increase the knowledge of students, both high school students and college students. However, the use of blogs as a medium of learning is more widely used by college students. Altough still many college students do not have a blog, but generally the material that they need are available in many other people's blogs. While the use of blog at the highschool student level is still very minimal. Most students know more about facebook and twitter as social media that allow them to get to know more people and tell all their activities there. Actually, the blog too. The blog owner can upload anything as they want. However, if related to learning materials, the used of blog is more effective rather than the used of facebook and twitter. Many people from all over the world who bring up the subject matter on the blog rather than facebook and twitter. With the creation of the blog (make blog), students are more easily linked to the blogs of other people who are more expert in certain subjects. Each student blogs can also be linked to teacher blogs and other friends who are known to classroom blogging. Students can ask the teacher any time, anywhere outside of school hours. Thus, the goal of making this classroom blogging is to make students more diligent to participate in a learning both inside and outside the classroom.
The term blog or blogging appear from the action of posting / recording on an online journal. Most authors agree that the blog is a frequently updated web site, which consists of a variety of posts, comments dated in sequence opposite. [1] If explored further, many types of blogs are often used in Indonesia, two of them are blogspot.com and wordpress.com.. Two type of these blog account creation are free of charge. This is certainly very helpful.
Classroom blogging run by the holding of blog creation (production) for every student and teacher. Even if necessary, is also made a group blog and the class blog. Each student can post their work, the tasks given by the teacher individually or up to the self creativity.  The tasks are done in groups can be written on the group's blog, and class work can be written in the blog belongs to the class. While teacher's blog can be filled with materials studied in each meeting, the tasks for students, and little message and impression in each learning activity that has been performed as a referral to correct errors and provide encouragement for students to keep pace in improving knowledge.  Classroom blogging is created in such a way to allow students to interact with teachers, classmates and the wider community. So there are three types of interactions that arise namely between teachers and students, students and other students, and students with the society.
Besides the posts and comments, the account owner can also see statistics views, namely how many people opened the blog today, last week, last month, last year, and the total impressions so far. It turns out not only that, how many people who are in certain areas (Canada for example) that open our blog be able to  known. How proud we are when our post frequently accessed by those abroad. Teachers can apply learning theory behavioristik mainstay, namely reward system. Reward will be given to students and the group with the best post categories are then loaded back on the blog belongs to the class.
Nevertheless, classroomd blogging has weaknesses. The first, users are required to connect to the internet. That is, it is an obstacle for students who are less able to certainly not have computers, laptops and mobile phones equipped with Internet network. Then the second, less popular blogs among students and even teachers do not understand the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) is an obstacle that needs to be thinked again. And thirdly, the materials posted on the blog is still doubtful validity, since anyone (including non-scientists) can write on the blog.
The way to fix them is 'do not implement the classroom blogging totally' if the students in the class are still many do not have a laptop, computer, mobile phone or other electronic devices that can connect to the internet. Just enough to introduce them to what the heck a blog was and how the blog itself can increase their knowledge. Because even though they do not have the equipment and do not have a blog, they can open other people's blogs to find information on the school computer lab or if they occasionally go to internet cafes. For teachers who do not understand the ICT, should be studied back in stages. Teachers may request assistance from the person that has skill for ICT to learn. Do not hesitate to join the young people who are generally happy with the internet. With this way, at least the teacher can follow the advance of technology step by step and use it in education. And the validity problem is true. Anyone can create a blog, post blog content carelessly. But to keep in mind is, we have a formal class in school. Learning materials form other people's blogs can be used as additional references and discussion material.  Teachers as people who are experts in a particular field, will understand and be able to straighten out if appear wrong understanding.
As we have reviewed previously, the role of technology in education is important. Several benefits can be obtained from the use of the internet, particularly blogs, by applying the model of classroom blogging. Although very useful, but there are also some weaknesses of the model of classroom blogging, including constrained for students who do not have a device that can connect to the internet, blog less popular among students and teachers does not understand about ICT, and  the validity of the materials posted on the blog still doubtful. But it can also be overcome. Thus, the use of blogs can be fully utilized in order to be useful in the world of education, namely can be a source of additional information for the students so that they insights and knowledge  become more widespread.

Please visit this link for Indonesian version : http://dgustina-chelo.blogspot.com/2013/10/contoh-essay-classroom-blogging-untuk.html

References :
[1]Burn, S. And Cox B in Azizah, M. N. (2011, February 08). Efektivitas Penggunaan Metode Pembelajaran Student Centered Learning Berbasis Classroom Blogging untuk Meningkatkan Hail Belajar Siswa SMA. Be quoted October 01, 2013, from http://cs.upi.edu/uploads/paper_skripsi_dik/EFEKTIVITAS%20PENGGUNAAN%20METODE%20PEMBELAJARANSTUDENT%20CENTERED%20LEARNING%20BERBASIS%20CLASSROOM%20BLOGGING%20UNTUK%20MENINGKATKAN%20HASIL%20BELAJAR%20SISWA%20SMA(maryamnur%20azizah%20%200608624).pdf

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